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The Self-Aware Leadership Compass Quiz - 9 Directions for Excellence

Knowing Self-Aware Leadership

The Self-Aware Leadership Compass Quiz

The Self-Awareness Compass Quiz is a tool to help you assess your own behaviour against the nine directions of the Self-Aware Leadership Compass. The nine directions, or ‘behaviours’ that are critical for you to develop and grow are: care, humility, authenticity, reflection, trust, adaptability, behaviour, listening and experience. Together they create the mnemonic ‘CHARTABLE’! The Quiz is a tool to accompany my book, ‘The Self-Awareness Superhighway’.

Take the Quiz

The Quiz helps you understand how you are received and perceived by others. It’s a simple but powerful way to get insights into how you impact the people around you. It combines a self-assessment with feedback from friends, family or colleagues to create a journey map. Your map will help point you in the right direction for becoming an excellent leader who strives to grow their self-awareness skills every day.

The Self-Aware Leadership Compass Quiz:

Helping you chart your leadership journey through reflection of your hard and relational skills and recognition of your impact.

How the Quiz Works

The quiz has two parts:

PART ONE:  The first part is your self-assessment. You will be asked to assess yourself against each of the nine CHARTABLE compass points. Each point will have a statement against which you will rate yourself, e.g. I am caring, I am humble, I am authentic. You will be asked to rate yourself on a nine-point Likert scale, where one is ‘most in disagreement’ and nine is ‘most in agreement’.

This will generate a map something like this:

The Self-Aware Leadership Compass Quiz - Part 1 Chart

PART TWO: The second part is your ‘others’ assessment.  Add email addresses for two or three people who you would like to rate you. Your raters will receive an email asking them to rate you against the same nine CHARTABLE compass points, on the same nine-point Likert scale, in response to the statements ‘[Your name] is caring, [Your name] is humble, [Your name] is trustworthy’,etc.

Your other-raters will have a seven-day window to complete the quiz. At the end of the seven days, the Quiz will close and you will receive your final map by email. Your scores will be made up of your self-ratings and the average of the scores given by your two or three raters. Your raters will remain anonymous.

Your final map will look something like this:

The Self-Aware Leadership Compass Quiz - Part 2 Chart

Take the Quiz

Reflecting on Your Results

Once the Quiz is complete, you’ll receive your map that compares how you view yourself with how other people view you. What you are most interested in are the areas where the maps do not align. These areas signify that your views about yourself and others’ views about you are not the same.

  • For instance, if you rated yourself highly on behaviour, but your raters didn’t agree, that’s a sign that this might be an area to get curious about and explore further.

  • If you rated yourself higher on adaptability, care and listening than your raters, they’re also areas to explore

  • On the other hand, if others see you as more trustworthy, reflective and authentic than you see yourself, that’s a positive discrepancy. You might want to explore these areas further, once you’ve delved more into behaviour, care and listening.

Your results will help you identify which areas to focus on for development, progression and improvement.

Taking Action

After reviewing your results, you can decide what action you want to take. Focus on the areas where you need greatest improvement first and develop clear actions and achievable goals to work on those skills.

  • For example, if you need to work on your behaviour modelling, you could explore your values, strengths and biases and do an exercise to align them with the organisation’s strategy. You could develop example behaviours to use in practice to demonstrate these values to your team. You could develop phrases and scripts to help you.

  • If you need to improve your listening skills, you could make a plan to take an active listening course and practice active listening during meetings or conversations. You might also want to involve your manager, coach, or mentor to help hold you accountable. They can provide guidance and feedback as you work on your skills.

Focus on one or two areas at a time. Set practical goals that will allow you to spend more time developing these behaviours. Over time, you’ll begin to see the impact of your efforts and notice that peoples’ responses to you change.

Reassess Your Progress

We are constantly changing and are moving in and out of relationships with people. We experience births, deaths, marriages, divorces, job changes and the ebb and flow of changing colleagues all of the time. Self-aware leadership is an ongoing journey, so in 6 to 12 months, revisit the Self-Aware Leadership Compass Quiz to re-assess your self-aware leadership skills relevant to your current situation.

You can invite the same raters or choose new ones—it’s up to you. Even if some of your original raters are no longer available, you’ll still learn something valuable by taking the Quiz again. Each time you take the Quiz, you’ll gain new insights into your leadership and personal development. Over time, you’ll build stronger self-awareness, improving both your leadership skills and your relationships with others.

Take the Quiz

The Last Word

The Self-Aware Leadership Compass Quiz is here to support you in becoming the leader you want to be. By combining your own self-reflection with feedback from others, you’ll have a clear map of where to focus your efforts. Set achievable goals, take consistent action and track your progress. With time, you’ll notice your growth as a more self-aware and effective leader.


  • 10th-12th October: Did you know that the next face to face Chief Happiness Officer training is happening in Prague, 10th-12th October? Book your space now!

  • Join me on 21st November for The Self-Awareness Superhighway: Charting Your Leadership Journey webinar from 4pm - 5pm London time (GMT). Join me to discover, explore and grow! Because you’re a newsletter subscriber, you can access the event for free via this Zoom Link. For everyone else, booking can be made via eventbrite and payment is by donation.

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Share Knowing Self Knowing Others

Nia is an expert leader who talks the talk and walks the walk.  She is an academically awarded thought leader in self-aware leadership and practices self-aware leadership every single day in her role as a Director in a Children’s Charity.

Find out more about Self-Aware Leadership by getting your very own copy of The Self-Awareness Superhighway now!

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Knowing Self Knowing Others
Knowing Self-Aware Leadership
Thoughts, ideas and reflections on the world of work through the lens of self-aware leadership
Dr Nia D Thomas